Velocette Technical Data....continueing...from a variety of sources
This is another in my series of technical data sheets I made up over the years, collating from a variety of sources.
The Velocette clutch causes much angst to a lot of people.... often a new project is acquired as the proverbial "basket case"...put more plainly " a box of bits"..
Including the clutch....
Assured by the seller as all there and correct for the bike.
But is it?
Velocette made several clutches that all look the same to the casual glance, but on closer inspection aren't...
Below is a chart of the various parts, which you need to look at in conjunction with a Velocette spare parts manual for your model, showing an exploded view of the clutch and listing the part number accordingly.
The UK Velocette Owners Club ran the following chart in their magazine "Fishtail" number 173 of March/April 1981.
Boy is it useful....
Incidently the "I" in the article is not me...
Following them are some sheets from Veloce Ltd in September 1947 to cover the newly introduced Dowty Oleomatic front fork, which replaced the Webb girder fork used previously...
Interesting reading....
Left click on images to enlarge...

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