Modern Motorcycle Mechanics by J.R. Nicholson....
The Nicholson brothers ran a motorcycle business at 212 Second Avenue north, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada from pre WW2 and one of the brothers, J.B.Nicholson wrote a book on motorcycle mechanics, first published in 1942.

They then had at least six editions altogether, 2nd/1945; 3rd/1948; 4th/1953; 5th/1965 and 6th/1969.I am unsure if they published after the latter one.
Reading this blog, Paul Barfoot, Veloman from Perth, Western Australia tells me he has a 7th edition published in 1974 that he bought in 1975....
I have five of the editions, including the first, which is mint and in the original packing material and addressed to a British serviceman... Corporal H.N.Ryan, RAOC in the UK. I doubt it was ever read and one wonders if he ever came back from the European theatre of war as it was delivered in 1942 or 43....
Below are some images of the books...the first edition with extracts from it and the last from the sixth edition....
There was one just offered on Ebay and the auction has just closed...a fifth edition, .... Ebay number can view it for a few weeks on
3 bidders were on it and it sold for US$38 or 27 UK quid........
Left click on images to enlarge.....

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